How To Use Minoxidil Effectively ?

Minoxidil being the only FDA approved topical solution for Hair Loss is doing miracles for the people while few others give up hope as they find it ineffective for them. Only few of those few people are those who unfortunately show no response to the Minoxidil treatment for some unknown reasons but these persons are quite rare.

And now for those few people for whom Minoxidil can actually work but they found it not working, there are simple but very important tips which will bring them back to this miracle doing topical solution (although i should not be saying it a miracle thing but those having successful stories say like this, including me) and those already using Minoxidil can make their treatment even more effective after reading this article.

Now to the main point, How to make Minoxidil work effectively ?

Its very simple, you have to take care of just one thing which is 'Scalp Cleansing'. You need to allow Minoxidil to be properly absorbed into your scalp so that it can do it's work. But the ineffectiveness arises when Minoxidil doesn't find it's way to enter your scalp properly. Minoxidil already has it's property of poorly absorbing into skin but a further barrier to it will just bring despair.

So now, what restricts scalp from absorbing Minoxidil. There are TWO things...
Sebum is a natural moisturising substance for your skin. Sebaceous glands in different parts of your body excrete Sebum. In some people however, sebaceous glands especially in scalp become over activated which makes a real mess.Sebum layers itself on your scalp and then moves up to the hair shaft making it oily. In severe cases hairs become oily just after few hours of shampooing.

Sebum presence on scalp also helps dirt particles to settle and accumulate, causing further problem.
Now as a solution to this you need to shampoo your hairs proportional to your sebum excretion. Shampooing two times a day is highly preferable if you are using Minoxidil, you will come to know WHY while reading below paragraphs but at this point i want to advice you to make a right choice of shampoo for you. Not all shampoos are same, and further under single brand name of a shampoo you may find different versions and one version will suit you the best. The best one will be the one which gives your scalp the most break time after which sebum starts to accumulate again. For example, if you wash your hairs in the morning and soon in the evening they become oily and tangled, you should not use that version which has moisturising property in addition to the cleansing property, your choice must be a simple cleansing shampoo.

 Now we will come to the second thing which is Minoxidil itself. Minoxidil solution comes in a multi-ingredient formula which contains alcohol and propylene glycol as well. When you apply Minoxidil and after it gets dries, propylene glycol present in it forms its layer on your scalp. This is for this reason that when you brush your hairs ,this crust in the form of little white flakes starts to fall off your head specially if you have dry scalp i.e have very less sebum excretion.

So when after shampooing you apply Minoxidil, it's ok, but at the second application there is a barrier of this crust on your scalp which you need to remove. Now you will surely have understood why was i suggesting twice daily shampooing. This means shampooing your hairs before every minoxidil application.
But only if it's uncomfortable for you to do this, there is another option which is to brush your hairs for some time so that the layer gets removed in the form of flakes. BUT take care that your scalp don't get inflamed with too much brushing as Minoxidil should not be applied at inflamed or broken skin.

Remember : Shampooing two times a day may not be bad for your hairs if your are using a good shampoo. The hairs you lose while shampooing are not because of the shampooing but these are the hairs which your hair follicles don't accept anymore as they were not in a growing phase and were literally dead.

As a conclusion, you should always apply minoxidil on fresh scalp if you really want Minoxidil to work for you.

I hope this helps.

1 comment:

  1. xctly.....i used to thought that minoxidil liquid is itself making absorption prblm..thnx for the nice post....///
